Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Evaluaion Question 5

Q5 How did you attract/ address your audience

In order to attract my audience to the magazine, I had to consider what they might want to read about, and what an audience wants in a magazine. When we did our focus groups to research what audiences wanted to see, one of the things I noticed is that people like freebies, giveaways and competitions in a magazine. In response to this, i included a free poster, song download and competition all mentioned on the cover.
I also tried to use appropriate fonts and lexis in order to appeal to the social group withing the target audience. After asking several people whether they would buy a magazine with fonts and colour schemes that wouldn't be associated with the genre, they said it would put them off the magazine a bit, although a couple of people said it didn't bother them.
Also, I used the names of popular artists on the front cover, as people are more likely to buy a magazine with recognisable artists in it. I chose genre specific artists such as Busta Rhymes and Eminem to appeal to the audience- the people who like rap.

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