Front Cover
L-The language shows that there is going to be unheard of information in this issue from the lexis used. Firstly, the use of the word "secrets" tells us that we are going to learn something that has been hidden from the audiences if we buy this issue. Also, the use of the word "revealed at the bottom of the page enforces this idea of being given new information, which increases appeal. Furthermore, this links in with the image which shows someone in a position of telling a secret. On top of this, by using the names of artists on the cover, it reveals that there is going to be some focus on them in the issue. By doing this, any fans of the artist will want to buy the magazine to find out what is being said about them.
I- The institution is Kerrang, which shows that it is a professionally made and will contain the freshest, hottest gossip on musicians and their endeavours.
I- The ideology is to inform people of new stuff in the music world, but without revealing too much on the front cover.This is to give the audience a little taste of whats within the magazine, without revealing enough for the magazine to be not bought.
A-The audience would be based on several things. Firstly, anybody looking to learn stuff about their favourite artists will buy the magazine to keep up to date on what they do (e.g. Bullet for my Valentine), and extending from this comes my second point. The age would be teenagers to adults (13- 20's), due to the fact that the bands are modern and alot of teens might be interested in getting the free posters, whereas adults wouldn't care much. Also, with the price being £2.20, which is relatively cheap, I feel that the magazine is aimed at lower-working class people.
R- The representation really stems from the points I made about the language. It shows somebody telling a secret, so we know there is going to be some kind of big reveal about something. Also the use of the words "secret" and "reveal" definitely extend this idea. Also, with the large amount of images on the cover, it represents the magazine as being packed with a lot of information and a lot of news about a variety of bands and musicians.

Contents Page
L- The language includes a lot of proper nouns, the names of artists, so the reader will recognise some of the things that the magazine will be about. Also the use of the word "win" in big red writing implies that you can win a competition and is done to invoke attention in this idea. Also, on the images, we see several things. The first one is of musicians casually standing with each other. This could show that we are going to see artists outside of the music. But also, as they are a part of the page where it says win, it could be showing us that these are the people we could meet and so is showing them in a more casual element, on the same level as the reader.
I- The Institution is the same as the front cover shown by the top of the page and the editor's note.
I- The Ideology Includes some new features. Firstly, the use of a plug is intended to advertise the fact that there is a chance to win a competition and to inform the reader/ buyer of this. Also, the magazine is trying to get a steady flow of income/ sales from the use of the subscribe advertisement in the corner. Also, the ideology is to show the reader what is in the magazine, and where to find it. Along the left this is done and is clear, which makes it easy for the reader to find what they are interested. Finally, the use of a date at the top, which is larger than on the front cover, is for reference to when the magazine was released so we know how old/new the information will be.
A- The audience is the same as the front cover but is furthered to fans of particular artists.
R- The representation shows that there is a lot of stuff in the magazine and features a wide variety of articles. There is stuff about albums, news and more all ordered for the reader to find. This represents the magazine as being a professionally made one rather than an amateur magazine with everything all over the place.
Double Page Spread
L- The language used includes several things. Firstly, the use of a rhetorical interogative poses a question to the reader, but we know it is instead going to be about the man pictured. Secondly, the use of quotation in the pull quote allows us to get a deeper idea of what the article might be about. This is also there to grab our attention to the article.
I-The institution remains the same as the conents and front cover.
I-The Ideaology is to inform the audience through the article written on the page about the articles topic, which is the man with the joker theme on him (red mouth and jokers iconic question).
A- The audience remains the same as the contents and front cover.
R- The representation all depends on the article and image. in this case we are seeing something related to the Joker from the batman series, which could represent madness/insanity or some kind of humour.