I started the front cover by making the page A4 and Making sure that my background was white so it would be easy to manipulate in terms of colours and changing it.

Next, I inserted the first image to use. i chose one based on pose and how it fits with my magazine, but also colours. As I had to improvise at the time of the photoshoot, I didn't have a solid white background so I had to find the closest thing I could to this.
Next I removed the background using the magic wand tool and turned my white background into black. This was to be a part of my front cover colour scheme and is one of my three colours to be on the cover.
I then moved onto crating my font for the backround. It was originally surrounded by black, so incase I wanted to font to cross over anything, I removed the black by using a white background to make the colour stand out. From there, I magic wanded any of the remaining black out of the image.

I then moved to applying it to the rest of the cover. I feel the red outline around the white text made it stand out and I also feel the font I chose was a fitting font for my magazine. Also, i added my date and issue number to start filling the front cover with more of the required stuff.
I then started applying text and created my first draft. I asked for some views and gained feedback on how to improve. Here I had added the text but was told by the people asked that I was missing things, so I went back to photoshop to continue.
Then came the second draft. I added more of the third colour, red here after feedback suggested it was lacking in the colour. I also added the barcode and QR code as this is convention and was missing from the first iteration of my cover. Next I will get more feedback and improve.
One of the main Problems with my previous drafts was picked up on in this next one. The image in the previous ones looked blurred and so here I decided to use a clearer image to adress this. I think it looks alot better then the previous ones and spent alot of time removing the background once more. after feedback I will hopefully improve even further.
My fourth draft saw me improve my font. I was told the original looked to plain and didn't reflect the genre too well, so I changed them and repositioned to compensate for the fonts larger size. Next i will get feedback to move to my final cover.
This is my final cover. I changed the positioning of the QR and bar codes as they looked slightly off, but also changed the lighting slightly and the background to make the artist stand out better. This was to make it more professional and look more natural.
I Find this really nice work Shaun it looks really good! The colours work really well together and the image as a whole works well.