Monday, 10 December 2012

Test shoot- Images I liked

For the test shoot we tried different lighting and angles to get a rough idea of how to shoot out final pictures. I got a model and took some pictures with different lighting changes. Here are the images I liked and why.

I like this image due to the fact the light is above my model giving an angelic image, but also it seems to fit well with the canted style. The second image on this post also gives the same feel, and I like the fact that my model looked up in this picture as it renforces the angelic look. I like the light above idea, but the lack of light to the left and right of my model makes it look a bit unprofessional.

For this image, I really like the lighting on this image as it makes the background easy to remove. It looks bright and really mixes well with the model's colours.  I also like the high angle and is perfectly positioned. There is nothing I dislike about the image.

 This image is also one of my favourites. The lighting is fairly decent and the edges of the background are not visible. I think it would look better if it was brighter, but overall it is probably one of my more well done images.

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