Thursday, 31 January 2013
Contents Page 2

First Contents Draft
This is my first contents draft. For this, I looked at the conventions of hip-hop/ rap magazines and developed my idea from there. However, this is my first draft and was given feedback not to stick to this convention of a single image. To make the magazine look more mainstream I should look at more mainstream designs such as the contents of NME and such and include more original images.
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Teacher Feedback
This is the feedback from my media teacher. A few things are adressed that appeared in my peer feedback, and so must consider taking some form of action. The header and footer could do with being added as shown by the drawn scribbles. Also, the blank space on the right and the problem with the colour of the artists clothes looking like a part of the background should be something I can improve upon. On a positive the pose and general appearence of my model has worked out rather well and am happy for this. In my spare time I will make some improvements.
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
A response to Feedback
From my feedback I will respond in the most postitive manner possible. I will create more drafts where I will experiment with colour more for the backgrounds and also i will change the font as this seems to be one of the biggest peevs with my cover from my peers.
Peer Feedback
Sophie Griffiths
This is a good blog, you have covered and completed the tasks in a good manner, the choice of power point layouts for your draftings allow a clear insight to view what you have constructed. However your final front cover hasn't got and doesn't show much differences from yourdafts, although your colouring scheme goes well with your chosen genre, i feel you should consider making a change to the image shot, a close up shot would look better, and make the size of your sub-headings a little bit bigger so they stand out more clearly, against the plain black background. Although you have added extra videos to help enhance your 'behind the scenes' footaging :)
This is a good blog, you have covered and completed the tasks in a good manner, the choice of power point layouts for your draftings allow a clear insight to view what you have constructed. However your final front cover hasn't got and doesn't show much differences from yourdafts, although your colouring scheme goes well with your chosen genre, i feel you should consider making a change to the image shot, a close up shot would look better, and make the size of your sub-headings a little bit bigger so they stand out more clearly, against the plain black background. Although you have added extra videos to help enhance your 'behind the scenes' footaging :)
Peer Feedback
My Name: Elizabeth Finlay
You have made so many great improvements throughout your blog and the evidence for this is clear.
The use of the three main colours is great and these colours help us to instantly recognise the genre. The title/masterhead is also excelent in helping recognise the genre of music.
Some changes I would suggest are: changing the font and the sizes of the text. This would make your front cover more astetically pleasing. I would also add more images that could support your headlines in a more interesting way. Another - really picky (im sorry) - thing is that you could move the barcode and the QR code in order to enlign. (that was too picky - sorry) :). Also I would include a price on your magazine.
The use of accsessories within the image are great (especially the money) as this re-enforces your genre of music.
Overall a really great blog! Well done :)
You have made so many great improvements throughout your blog and the evidence for this is clear.
The use of the three main colours is great and these colours help us to instantly recognise the genre. The title/masterhead is also excelent in helping recognise the genre of music.
Some changes I would suggest are: changing the font and the sizes of the text. This would make your front cover more astetically pleasing. I would also add more images that could support your headlines in a more interesting way. Another - really picky (im sorry) - thing is that you could move the barcode and the QR code in order to enlign. (that was too picky - sorry) :). Also I would include a price on your magazine.
The use of accsessories within the image are great (especially the money) as this re-enforces your genre of music.
Overall a really great blog! Well done :)
Peer Feedback
Louise Hudson
The main strength of your covers are by far the masthead and this is very unique and crisp which makes it stand out on the page.
But there are a few negatives.
The first being that all of your drafts look extreemely similar which shows little improvement and progress. I also feel that the use of a medium shot was not a good one, as this gives more room for the features which on their own don't use much space. I suggest using a medium close-up, like Becky suggests, most music magazines use this type of framing on their cover and it overall just looks better.
So to sum it up, use a closeup and make the features bigger or add more features to prevent the cover from looking empty.
Hope I wasn't too harsh :)
Well done!
The main strength of your covers are by far the masthead and this is very unique and crisp which makes it stand out on the page.
But there are a few negatives.
The first being that all of your drafts look extreemely similar which shows little improvement and progress. I also feel that the use of a medium shot was not a good one, as this gives more room for the features which on their own don't use much space. I suggest using a medium close-up, like Becky suggests, most music magazines use this type of framing on their cover and it overall just looks better.
So to sum it up, use a closeup and make the features bigger or add more features to prevent the cover from looking empty.
Hope I wasn't too harsh :)
Well done!
Peer Feedback
peer feedback by Thomas Powers
the blog as a whole is well thought out and things are structured well the blog is well positioned, some of the things missing include a PowerPoint containing all of your images from you actual photo shoot.
the front cover has a nice colour scheme and all of the colours go well together, you have also stuck with the key colours.
the front covers main image is not clearly lit and is not that well positioned on the cover.
the background is also not exiting it is just plain black, with no details and so looks uninteresting.
the fonts used look basic and drab they do not match the genre you are aiming for and are basic and unimaginative. the wording used such as 'shit' would not be allowed on the front of a magazine due to it being publically seen, so changing the words is necessary.
the blog as a whole is well thought out and things are structured well the blog is well positioned, some of the things missing include a PowerPoint containing all of your images from you actual photo shoot.
the front cover has a nice colour scheme and all of the colours go well together, you have also stuck with the key colours.
the front covers main image is not clearly lit and is not that well positioned on the cover.
the background is also not exiting it is just plain black, with no details and so looks uninteresting.
the fonts used look basic and drab they do not match the genre you are aiming for and are basic and unimaginative. the wording used such as 'shit' would not be allowed on the front of a magazine due to it being publically seen, so changing the words is necessary.
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