Liarr of my cover
Throughout the creation of the front page, I had to consider a lot of things. Firstly, the use of my image. I wanted the theme of the issue to focus on the gamers in the college environment, and so I donned my gaming related hoodie and asked for my picture to be taken. I made myself look relaxed in the picture as I wanted to convey the casual side of gaming on the cover, and not show gamers as their stereotypes.
The language of my front cover shows that the issue focuses on the gaming side of the college community. This is shown by the hoodie I am wearing in the picture. Also, to further show what the issue focuses on, I am centre frame and cover most of the shot showing that this is what is featured. Also, I framed myself using the doors of Ash building to further enforce what the issue is about.
The institution is the “Student Life” magazine which was devised by myself. Of course this is shown by the title atop the page.
The ideology or message I am trying to convey is that gamers are just as normal as anybody else, and that they are not the stereotypical antisocial community they are made out to be. By choosing a place with artwork above me, I am showing that I am just like any other person, and that games can in fact be considered a work of art.
The audience is to a student at a college. The name of the magazine is one factor to show this, and a couple of other factors including the mention of coursework on the side with the features, and the use of a college building. The age group would be 16-20 due to this target audience.
I have represented myself as a stereotype of a gamer in the sense that I am wearing a gaming hoodie, but at the same time I am breaking conventions. By making myself look dominant and by cracking a smile, I am breaking the idea of an antisocial gamer who sits in the dark.
In conclusion I feel I have conveyed my theme across well and made a decent front cover. I am disappointed with my contents and wasn’t very organised with the planning. In response to this I feel I could improve myself in my next proje
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