Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Focus Groups

During our focus groups, we did two videos. One where we asked another group questions, and the second where we had a big group discusssion.

Big group discussion

Asking another group questions

Here are the questions my group used :

Focus group questions

1)      Would you prefer to buy a physical copy of a magazine or download it onto your phone?

2)      Do you like seeing promotions in magazines? If so what promotions?

3)      Do you like free stuff in magazines? If so what type of free stuff?

4)      Do you like free posters in a magazine?

5)      What type of music magazines do you read?

6)      If you don’t read music magazines what would make you read them?

7)      Would you prefer a mixed genre magazine where two genres are featured?

8)      How much are you willing to pay for a weekly music magazine?

9)      How often would you prefer a magazine to be released? Weekly, monthly, bi-weekly?

10)  How would you improve a certain music magazine?
Our group developed these questions in a group discussion.


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