Wednesday, 14 November 2012

LIIAR LIIAR- Cover and Contents

Front Cover LIIAR

L--- The shot of the character in the image is a close up and is centre page. The character’s pose is like its leaning on the edge of the magazine and is waving at the audience. This could represent that the issue is a relaxed/laid back issue. Also, the bright gold/ yellow colour scheme on this particular issue as it is a special is to tell you you’ve won ( as there was only a limited amount of this front cover printed), so it has positive connotations.

I--- The Institution is the “Official Xbox magazine” as shown by the logo and the title. They produce a monthly magazine which gives information about Xbox game titles, and news about the industry.

I--- The ideology of this specific issue is to tell the audience that they have exclusive news on a new game being released. There is a second ideology held within this specific cover, which is to tell you that you have won their competition by finding this specific special issue.

A--- The audience would stereotypically be males but could also be targeted at some girls who game. The age group is 15 upwards shown by the certificate.  Also, as it is a special issue, it could appeal to collectors as there were six different covers for this issue. Furthermore the audience would also be people who are interested in Xbox games or the gaming industry.

R--- The representation of this issue is majorly to make it appear special. The usage of the plug to state that the buyer is a winner, the small text that says “Exclusive Prize Winning Cover: Claptrap” and the usage of the words “world exclusive” help to make the issue look special. The word winner, and the golden style cover has connotations of being special, victory, happiness-all positive connotations. 

LIIAR Contents (Had to do a different magazine due to the fact i couldn't find the contents of the above one)

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